New York Fashion Week is always such a crazy busy time making it difficult to keep up with writing about all of it as it unfolds! When you attend so many shows you are bombarded with images and sounds and a super fast-paced feeling inside. It is the best feeling ever! I find it to be my high, a really safe and very cool one to attain! It is so exhilarating, I just love it!
Therefore I am not going to delude myself by believing I can cover it all – nor even come close to that. While I am viewing collections I really want to take it in and not worry about getting the perfect shot. What I do is video the finale of each show to share. You can find my videos all over social media so you don’t have to miss a thing. (check them out here and click subscribe while you are there!
In this post I want to share with you some of my most memorable and favorite pieces from @CHARLESANDRON. I fell hard for these! Enjoy! xoxoxox
#NewYorkFashionWeek Powered By @ArtHeartsFashion at the @angelorensanzfoundation event space NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 08 2018. Photo by Arun Nevader/Getty Images for Art Hearts Fashion)

#arts #Culture #Entertainment #Fashion @GettyImages #gettyimages #fashionweek #fashionblogger #rockinrobin #spring2019fashion #aquatic #reptile #fashionislife #fashionshow #runway #nyc #gown #dress #sequins
Una bellissima sfilata, quanti abiti pazzeschi! 🙂
It really was beautiful and a little crazy too! xoxoxo Thanks for stopping by my blog <3