Everyone loves the Rolling Stones, but many of us are too young to remember how one of the most famous rock bands came up to reach this fame. Now you can know it all through this 2.000 page eBook. Hey, even Vogue Magazine covered it! There are more than 130 images-see for yourself why they are so hot!. Best-selling author Hanspeter Künzler wrote his own introductions for each of the 50 chapters. Part one, including the first 25 years from 1962 to 1986, is available now. You can purchase and download the following formats: .mobi, .epub and .pdf. So it is available for your eReader (ipad, kindle,…) as well as your PC or notebook. If you really wanna experience rock and roll from its roots up, this is a must read!
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That’s kind of interesting
I know! I want to read it!